
Concert Music

Music theatre for children

Children’s music theatre production “De Lange Wapper”, in collaboration with Clara Cleymans, Prince K. Appiah, Stijn Saveniers and Casco Phil. Premiered at the Antwerp Spring Festival 2024, bringing a modern twist to the classic Antwerp folk legend.


music theatre for human rights

Following my graduation in 2021, I organized a concert called “TRANSPORT XXI” for the benefit of Amnesty International. 



for symphonic orchestra

Soundmine 2019 brought a collaboration with Antwerp Symphony Orchestra; Statio was one of the selected pieces and got broadcasted on Podium 19.

‘Statio’ is the Latin word for ‘anchor’, ‘location’ or ‘standing still’. The immense sound of the brakes of a stopping train is the common thread of the work. Today, the ever-growing excess of stimuli causes an abundance of stress. The stopped train symbolizes rest, leaving behind stress and the feeling of coming home. The stop announcement of the train I take home from Antwerp Central is the central musical theme:

De L-trein naar Essen van drieëntwintig uur twintig komt zo dadelijk aan op spoor vierentwintig. Deze trein stopt in Antwerpen-Centraal, Antwerpen-Luchtbal, Antwerpen- Noorderdokken, Ekeren, Sint-Mariaburg, Kapellen, Heide, Kijkuit, Kalmthout, Wildert en Essen.”

5 Visual Fragments

for guitar and cello

With this piece, I had the honor to receive the first prize in the “Duo Kottos Composition Competition 2020” in London. 5 Visual Fragments for Guitar and Cello converts the ideas of Elsworth Kelly (1923-2015) and Alexander Scriabin (1971-1915) into five musical interpretations. The main idea is a journey from blue to red as two total opposites. In each part I linked one of the following five colours to a specific emotion or atmosphere:

1. Blue: calmness, space, air – misterioso
2. Green: time, nature, peace – con dolcessa
3. Yellow: energy, joy, vigour – energico
4. Orange: force, power, vehemence – maestoso
5. Red: madness, rush, tension – con fuoco


for mixed choir and orchestra

A great collaboration with the C-Choirs Ekeren and Symphonic Ensemble Ekeren brought this work for choir and orchestra. The huge amount of passionate music lovers paid tribute to many people, whose stories continue to resonate in our memories. The text was written by the modern rhetorician Stijn De Paepe, who suddenly died at the same time as the composition process. Stijn in turn wrote the poem after the death of the famous conductor Bernard Haitink. 

I myself wrote the work in memory of my uncle Eloy in particular. At the time of the performance, Eloy had passed away exactly 1 year ago.

‘Zindering’ for three choirs and orchestra was premiered on 14 and 15 May 2022 by C-Choirs Cantando, Cantilene and Caljenté and Symphonic Ensemble Ekeren in the Sint-Paulus church in Antwerp.

Video afspelen


HAITINK – Stijn De Paepe (1979-2022)


Muziek is niet de noten,

maar de stilte tussenin

en het einde dat al doorklinkt

in de tonen van ’t begin.


Muziek is niet de strijkers,

niet de kopers, niet het hout,

niet het slagwerk, maar de klankkleur.

Dialoog in duizendvoud.


Muziek is niet de maestro

die de plak zelfzuchtig zwaait.

Muziek is vuur dat zindert,

licht dat onverminderd laait.


HAITINK (english translation)


Music is not the notes

but the silence in between

and the end that already resounds

in the tones of the beginning.


Music is not the strings,

not the brass, not the woods,

not the percussion, but the timbre.

Dialogue a thousandfold.


Music is not the maestro

who’s selfishly waving the stick.

Music is fire that shimmers,

light that blazes unabated.


for female choir, violin, saxophone, piano and string quartet
(Also available for SATB choir and piano)

Thanks to this wonderful initiative by Roomservice vzw, Solitude was performed (among many other amazing compositions) by 3 (!) Belgian top ensembles: Kugoni Trio, Desguin Kwartet, and Caloroso, conducted by Jasmien Gys.

Take a walk in the woods and feel the connection between the dancing daffodils, the shining stars and the sounds of nature on this beautiful text by William Wordsworth.

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, or golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


The waves beside them danced; but they

Out did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:


For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.


– William Wordsworth (1770-1850).

More Recordings

Music for Visual Media

Rise And Shine

music for a Feature Film

I had not yet returned from my six Erasmus months in 2019 in Tallin, Estonia when Jeremiah Joél, a third-year Graphic Arts student at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, contacted me. Jeremiah was looking for a composer who could provide the music for his feature film Rise and Shine. After eight months of working on a script and a detailed script (a feasible time schedule, but also a way to take care of all technical requirements), the full film was shot in the summer of 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. All scenes were shot in just a few weeks. His plan is to fine-tune the film in post-production so that it can participate in major festivals.

VLAM- Het Tuinaannemer Effect

music for a commercial

Lieze Denckens (my girlfriend) and I had the amazing opportunity to write this music for a commercial and from February 2021 it’s already getting aired on national television in Belgium! 

Captain CigArrr

music for a Game

A collaboration with HoWest and Digital Arts & Entertainment brought me the opportunity to write the soundtrack for this awesome game. Put on your pirate hat and enjoy!

'Spanish' dance KBA

music for a commercial

Music for a commercial with a Spanish touch. Collaboration with the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp and the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp.

Apteeker Melchior


Submission for the Music Meets Film Tallinn Scoring Competition 2022. Many thanks to Lara Denies for her charmingly delicate nyckelharpa playing, and to the wonderful singers of Cantilene (C-Choirs Ekeren) for the enthusiasm to record all this amazing whistling, whispering, drones, yelling …

In Transit

music for a short film

Collaboration with Karolien Ceulemans, a talented director student at Ritcs Brussels. The story is about two young people connecting in Antwerp.


music for a short film

Collaboration with Inias Céleste, student at Thomas More Mechelen, who had the opportunity to shoot a short movie in Hollywood. 


music for a film music contest

Submission for the Westworld Scoring Competition 2020 from HBO and Spitfire.

Parim Operaator

music for a film music contest

Submission for the Tallinn Music Meets Film Award 2021.

Full Worklist

Music for
visual media

Discover the music I created for features, shorts and games.


Discover a selection of the pieces I have arranged for various artists.

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Noah Senden
Ondernemingsnummer: 0763324276
IBAN: BE21 7340 4971 1903 KREDBEBB