Lange Wapper

For the Antwerp Spring Festival 2024, I had the honor of composing the music for a unique children’s theatre production based on the Antwerp folk legend “De Lange Wapper.” This project, in collaboration with Clara Cleymans, gave me the opportunity to intertwine my musical vision with a story that appeals to both young and old.

It was both a challenge and a pleasure to create music that enhances the atmosphere of the story while making it accessible and engaging for children. The music was performed by Casco Phil under the direction of conductor Stijn Saveniers, whose interpretation and leadership brought the compositions to life during the premiere at the Handelsbeurs in Antwerp.

Alongside Clara Cleymans, who brought the story to life, and the dynamic performance of rapper and actor Prince K. Appiah, the production took the audience on an exciting journey through the myth of De Lange Wapper. This collaboration was a wonderful opportunity to showcase my work to a broad audience and to give an important story from Antwerp’s folklore a modern twist.

This production will be continued in 2025-2026.